How to Grow Purple Dragon Fruit From Cuttings - No Plant No Life

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How to Grow Purple Dragon Fruit From Cuttings

Dragon fruit, also known a nos pitaya, is a tropical fruit that has gained popularity in recent years due to its unique appearance and nutritional benefits. 

While dragon fruit is typically grown from seeds, it can also be propagated using cuttings. 

This method is preferred by many growers because it ensures consistency in the quality and flavor of the fruit. 

In this blog post, we'll provide a detailed guide on how to grow purple dragon fruit from cuttings, covering the necessary materials, steps, and tips for success.

Materials Needed

✅ Purple dragon fruit cuttings (at least 6 inches long)

✅ Potting mix specifically designed for cacti and succulents

✅ Pots (at least 6 inches deep) with drainage holes

✅ Water

✅ Root hormone powder or liquid

✅ Pruning shears

✅ A warm and humid environment (greenhouse or indoor space)

✅ Clear plastic bags or cloches

✅ Balanced fertilizer

Step 1: Prepare the Cuttings

Selecting healthy cuttings is crucial for successful propagation. 

Choose stems with at least two nodes, the joint where a leaf meets the stem. Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle using pruning shears, and remove lower leaves, leaving only two or three at the top. 

This helps prevent moisture from accumulating and reduces the risk of root rot. Dip the cut end in root hormone powder or liquid to promote root growth.

Step 2: Plant the Cuttings

Fill the pot with potting mix, leaving about an inch at the top. Plant the cutting about 2-3 inches deep, making sure the node is buried. Water gently but thoroughly. 

Place the pot in a warm and humid environment, maintaining a temperature of 75-85°F (24-29°C) and humidity levels of 60-80%.

Step 3: Provide the Right Conditions

High humidity is essential for root development. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag or a cloche to create a mini-greenhouse effect. 

Provide indirect sunlight or shade, gradually increasing exposure over time. Water sparingly, as the cutting is prone to rot in moist conditions. 

Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer once roots have developed (about 2-3 weeks).

Step 4: Monitor and Transplant

Check for roots after 2-3 weeks by gently tugging on the cutting. Transplant the cutting to a larger pot or directly into the ground once roots have developed. 

Continue to provide optimal conditions, gradually increasing sunlight and water as the plant grows.

Tips and Variations

🔺Use a well-draining potting mix to prevent waterlogged soil.

🔺Avoid over watering, which can lead to root rot.

🔺Prune the plant regularly to maintain shape and encourage fruiting.

🔺Consider grafting the cutting onto a more vigorous rootstock for improved yields.

🔺Monitor for pests and diseases, treating promptly if necessary.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Root rot: caused by overwatering. Solution: repot the cutting in fresh potting mix and reduce watering.

✅ Pests: mealybugs, spider mites, and scale. Solution: treat with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

✅ Slow growth: caused by insufficient light or water. Solution: increase sunlight and water gradually.


Growing purple dragon fruit from cuttings requires patience and attention to detail, but the reward is well worth the effort.

With the right conditions and care, you can enjoy this exotic and nutritious fruit in your own backyard.

Remember to monitor your plant's progress, adjust your care accordingly, and happy growing!

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