7 Homemade Rooting Hormones For Faster Root Growth - No Plant No Life

Thursday, March 7, 2024

7 Homemade Rooting Hormones For Faster Root Growth

Rooting hormones are essential substances used to stimulate root growth in cuttings, promoting quicker establishment and healthier plants. 

While commercial rooting hormones are readily available, many gardeners prefer homemade alternatives for various reasons, including cost-effectiveness and avoiding synthetic chemicals. 

In this article, we'll explore seven homemade rooting hormone solutions that can accelerate root development in your plant cuttings.

1. Willow Water

Willow water is a natural rooting hormone that has been used for centuries by gardeners. Willow trees contain high levels of indolebutyric acid (IBA), a plant hormone that stimulates root growth. 

To make willow water, simply cut young willow branches into small pieces and soak them in water for 24 to 48 hours. 

Then, use the infused water to soak your cuttings before planting them in soil. Willow water provides a gentle yet effective boost to root development.

2. Honey Solution

Honey is not only a delicious natural sweetener but also contains enzymes and amino acids that promote root growth. To create a honey rooting hormone solution, mix one tablespoon of raw honey with two cups of lukewarm water. 

Stir well until the honey is completely dissolved. Dip your cuttings into the honey solution before planting them in soil. The antimicrobial properties of honey also help protect cuttings from fungal infections during the rooting process.

3. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is renowned for its medicinal properties, but it can also serve as a rooting hormone for plant cuttings. The gel found inside aloe vera leaves contains enzymes and growth hormones that stimulate root development. 

Simply extract the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply it directly to the base of your cuttings before planting. Aloe vera gel provides hydration and nutrients to the cuttings while encouraging the growth of new roots.

4. Cinnamon Powder

Cinnamon is not only a flavorful spice but also possesses natural antifungal properties that can prevent rotting in plant cuttings. To use cinnamon as a rooting hormone, dip the base of your cuttings into powdered cinnamon before planting them in soil. 

The cinnamon helps to protect the cuttings from fungal infections while also promoting root growth. Additionally, cinnamon has a pleasant scent that can add a touch of fragrance to your gardening endeavors.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which can help stimulate root growth in plant cuttings. To create an apple cider vinegar rooting hormone solution, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water. 

Dip your cuttings into the solution before planting them in soil. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps to soften the plant tissue and encourage the development of new roots. However, it's essential to dilute the vinegar properly to avoid damaging the cuttings.

6. Aspirin Water

Aspirin contains salicylic acid, a compound that has been shown to promote root growth in plant cuttings. To make aspirin water, crush one aspirin tablet and dissolve it in a gallon of water. 

Use this solution to soak your cuttings before planting them in soil. The salicylic acid in aspirin helps to stimulate the production of rooting hormones in the cuttings, leading to faster and healthier root development.

7. Potato Starch

Potatoes contain starch, which can provide nutrients and encourage root growth in plant cuttings. To use potato starch as a rooting hormone, slice a potato into thin rounds and place them in a pot of water. 

Allow the potato slices to soak overnight, then use the starchy water to soak your cuttings before planting them in soil. The potato starch provides a natural source of energy for the developing roots, helping them to establish more quickly.


Homemade rooting hormones offer a natural and cost-effective way to promote faster root growth in plant cuttings. Whether you prefer using willow water, honey solution, aloe vera gel, cinnamon powder, apple cider vinegar, aspirin water, or potato starch, each of these homemade remedies can provide the necessary nutrients and hormones to support healthy root development. 

Experiment with these homemade rooting hormone solutions in your gardening endeavors and watch as your cuttings flourish into thriving plants.


Why should I use homemade rooting hormones instead of commercial ones?

Homemade rooting hormones offer several advantages, including cost-effectiveness, avoidance of synthetic chemicals, and the ability to customize ingredients based on personal preferences and available resources. Additionally, homemade solutions often utilize natural ingredients that can provide supplementary benefits to plant health.

How do I know which homemade rooting hormone is best for my plant cuttings?

The choice of homemade rooting hormone depends on various factors, including the type of plant, the stage of growth, and personal preferences. Experimentation may be necessary to determine which solution works best for your specific plants. However, generally, solutions like willow water and honey are versatile and suitable for a wide range of plant species.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with using  homemade rooting hormones?

While homemade rooting hormones are generally safe and natural, it's essential to use them properly and in moderation. Some ingredients, such as apple cider vinegar and aspirin, may be acidic and could potentially harm sensitive plant species or cause damage if not diluted correctly. Always follow recommended guidelines and observe plant responses to ensure optimal results.

How often should I apply homemade rooting hormone to my plant cuttings?

The frequency of application depends on various factors, including the type of rooting hormone used, the growth rate of the plant, and environmental conditions. In general, it's best to apply rooting hormone solutions during the initial stages of rooting and periodically thereafter, as needed. However, avoid over-application, as excessive hormone exposure may inhibit root development.

Can I combine multiple homemade rooting hormones for better results?

While it's possible to experiment with combinations of homemade rooting hormones, it's essential to exercise caution and monitor plant responses closely. Some ingredients may interact unpredictably or produce adverse effects when combined. Start with small doses and observe plant behavior before scaling up or making significant changes to your rooting hormone regimen.

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