Here are 5 Best Easy to Grow Terrarium Plants for Beginners - No Plant No Life

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Here are 5 Best Easy to Grow Terrarium Plants for Beginners

In the world of indoor gardening, terrariums have emerged as miniature ecosystems that captivate both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts alike. 

These glass-enclosed wonders bring a slice of nature into our homes, requiring minimal maintenance and offering maximum aesthetic appeal. 

If you're new to the enchanting realm of terrariums, selecting the right plants is crucial for a thriving and visually stunning display. 

In this guide, we'll explore the top five terrarium plants that are not only resilient but also perfect for beginners.

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Known for its resilience and air-purifying qualities, the Spider Plant is a fantastic choice for terrariums. 

Its arching leaves, featuring a striking green and white stripe pattern, add a touch of elegance to any enclosure. 

What makes the Spider Plant particularly beginner-friendly is its adaptability to various light conditions, making it suitable for both well-lit and slightly shaded terrariums. 

Additionally, this plant produces offsets or "spiderettes," allowing you to expand your terrarium garden effortlessly.

English Ivy Plant

2. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy, with its cascading vines and rich green foliage, is a classic choice for terrariums. 

This versatile plant thrives in low to moderate light, making it perfect for indoor settings. 

Its ability to tolerate occasional neglect makes it an excellent option for beginners who are still getting the hang of plant care. 

English Ivy's trailing nature adds a dynamic element to terrarium landscapes, creating a visually appealing and vibrant microcosm within the glass walls.

3. Fittonia (Fittonia spp.)

Also known as the Nerve Plant, Fittonia is a small, compact plant with distinctive veined leaves, available in various colors such as green, pink, and red. 

What makes Fittonia ideal for terrariums is its love for humidity, thriving in the enclosed environment provided by the glass container. 

As a beginner-friendly choice, Fittonia is relatively forgiving of occasional overwatering, making it an excellent companion for those who are still mastering the art of terrarium maintenance. 

Its compact size allows for creative arrangements within the limited space of a terrarium.

Moss Plant in Terrarium

4. Moss (Bryophyta)

Embracing simplicity and timeless beauty, moss is an unsung hero in the world of terrariums. 

While not a traditional flowering plant, moss contributes a lush, carpet-like greenery that enhances the overall aesthetics of the terrarium. 

Moss is exceptionally low-maintenance, requiring minimal light and water to thrive. 

Its ability to absorb moisture from the air makes it a perfect choice for terrariums with a closed lid, creating a self-sustaining microenvironment. 

For beginners seeking a hassle-free yet visually appealing option, moss is an excellent addition to any terrarium.

5. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos, often referred to as Devil's Ivy, is celebrated for its adaptability and resilience, making it an ideal terrarium plant for beginners. 

With heart-shaped leaves and a trailing growth habit, Pothos brings a touch of nature's elegance to any enclosed space. 

This plant can thrive in a variety of light conditions, from bright, indirect light to low-light environments. 

Pothos is forgiving of occasional neglect and can withstand inconsistent watering, making it a forgiving choice for those still mastering the art of plant care.

​Final Thoughts 

Embarking on the journey of terrarium gardening is a delightful adventure that allows you to cultivate a tiny, thriving ecosystem within the confines of a glass enclosure. 

The plants you choose play a pivotal role in the success and aesthetics of your terrarium. 

For beginners, opting for resilient and forgiving plants is key to building confidence and ensuring a flourishing green haven.

The Spider Plant, English Ivy, Fittonia, Moss, and Pothos are excellent choices that combine visual appeal with ease of care. 

Whether you prefer the cascading vines of English Ivy, the vibrant colors of Fittonia, or the timeless beauty of moss, these plants offer a diverse range of options for creating your personalized terrarium masterpiece. 

As you embark on your terrarium journey, remember that experimentation and observation are essential; each terrarium is a unique ecosystem waiting to unfold its wonders in your home. Happy terrarium gardening!


How much sunlight do terrarium plants require?

The sunlight requirements vary depending on the chosen plants. Generally, low to moderate light conditions are suitable for most terrarium plants. Spider Plants and Pothos, for example, thrive in indirect light, making them ideal for indoor environments with limited sunlight.

Can I mix different terrarium plants in one enclosure?

A: Yes, mixing different plants in a terrarium is a great way to create a visually appealing and diverse mini-ecosystem. However, it's essential to consider the specific light and humidity preferences of each plant to ensure harmonious cohabitation.

How often should I water my terrarium?

The watering frequency depends on the moisture needs of the selected plants and the type of terrarium. Generally, it's advisable to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Regularly monitor the moisture levels and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Do I need any special soil for terrarium plants?

Yes, using a well-draining, lightweight potting mix is crucial for terrariums. A mix designed for tropical plants is often suitable, providing the necessary aeration and moisture retention. Avoid heavy soils that can lead to waterlogging, which may harm the plants.

Can I keep my terrarium in direct sunlight?

It's generally not recommended to place terrariums in direct sunlight, as the enclosed glass can intensify the heat, potentially harming the plants. Opt for bright, indirect light to ensure your terrarium thrives without the risk of overheating.

How do I deal with condensation inside the terrarium?

Condensation is a natural occurrence in terrariums and indicates a healthy humidity level. If condensation becomes excessive, briefly open the lid to allow some moisture to escape and promote air circulation. Adjusting the ventilation can help maintain an optimal balance.

Can I use any glass container for a terrarium?

While creativity is encouraged, it's essential to choose a container with good ventilation, as a completely sealed environment may lead to excess moisture. Opt for containers with lids that can be opened occasionally to regulate humidity and prevent issues like mold.

Are these terrarium plants safe for pets?

While the plants mentioned are generally considered safe, some pets may be sensitive to certain foliage. Spider Plants and Pothos are known to be pet-friendly, but it's advisable to check each plant for potential toxicity and place the terrarium in a location inaccessible to curious pets.

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